Where can I find inspiration? Inspiration will come to you in silence. Find a place to be in silence.
Inspiration is fleeting, so grab on to it with both hands before it is lost to distraction. Write it down. Paint it. Film it. Dance it. Do whatever you can to capture it.
Some of my fondest memories are of watching you create. Whether is was watching you cook, creating a duct tape wallet for your friends, or spending hours on a Halloween costume. I enjoyed it even though I had no idea what was driving you. Only you knew.
I want you to remember to listen to your little voice inside. Particularly when it seemingly appears from nowhere. It is there to help you, teach you, guide you. Your little voice may be telling you it's time to do a mundane chore. It may be telling you to be kind to a stranger. It may be telling you to create something that will inspire millions one day. If you follow your heart and act on inspiration, you will find success.