How do I know when to be afraid? Never fear pursuing the truth. If your motives are pure, no harm will come.
I remember one day we were at the bike park learning new skills. I wanted you to try something I thought was relatively simple, but you refused. You were afraid. I didn't understand why. It was easy, I thought. "Come on, don't be such a chicken", I said. "Nope", you replied, handing me your bike. "Okay", I said. "You want me to show you?". My first attempt resulted in failure, and my second resulted in a blown-out calf muscle that took a month to heal. You saw that I was hurt and felt bad, "Don't", I said. "You were right". It was a painful lesson for me, but one that never made me feel more proud of you.
I want you to remember to choose hope over fear. Pursue what is in your heart, even if you don't understand why. When it comes to fear, value the perspective of those you love, but still listen to that little voice inside. Don't worry about making mistakes along the way. You will make mistakes and you will learn from them. The worse thing you can do is stop trying.