How will I know when I have reached maturity? Part of maturity is learning that it's not all about you. It's not about having the right answers, it's more about pursuing the right questions.
From the day you were born you have been pursuing the truth. No one had to teach you to search for it. You just did. You came equipped with all of the experiences of those who came before you. All of their emotional experiences recorded in your genes. There are many who have tried to guide you in this journey. Some with good intentions. Some with bad. Some with no intentions at all. We called this guidance your education. Even though my intentions were usually good, I failed miserably at times . My motivation was mostly out of my need to protect you. You will understand this if you become a parent one day.
I want you to remember to cherish where you currently are in life. Don't try to rush your maturity. There are many wonderful experiences ahead of you. Many I haven't had. Skipping ahead in a rush to maturity will leave you feeling empty and pursuing lost opportunity.