How can I be successful? Ask questions. Listen to your little voice inside. It is there to guide you toward success and away from danger.
The greatest achievement in my my life is you. The joy you bring to me is beyond measurement. My most joyful memories of you are the small things. The times where you showed me the simplest answer to a problem I was having. Like the time I was trying to configure a way for the dog to eat while he was wearing his protective cone. He had been licking his paw to the point it was raw. I was trying to create an elevated bowl so that his cone would fit around it. It wasn't working. I knew he was very hungry but he resisted my solution. You walked up to me and said "Why don't you just take off the cone while he eats?" I bursted out laughing. Of course, I thought. He won't be licking his paw if he is eating.
I want you to remember to always keep your focus on your work, not the rewards. Pursue the truth. Others may love you. Others may hate you. You may be showered with rewards. You may not be. Understand that you do not need wealth and admiration to be happy. You will likely be happier with less. So use whatever gifts that do come your way to help others. Success is helping others.