What is the meaning of life? You will find meaning by pursuing the truth.
Too much truth can drive you mad. Too much distraction will lead you to despair. As with most things, life is about finding the right balance and always moving forward.
I remember when you appeared in the school play. It was so much better than I expected. You were great. Just as I expect you will be in life. You gave it your all. You prepared as best as you could, but still there were some unexpected moments. Moments of unexpected laughter, and even some moments of embarrassment.
Life is a lot like a play. The most memorable parts often involve conflict or tragedy or joy. These are the parts when everyone watches intently. These are the moments that are recorded. People who have let time pass them by are relegated to the role of spectator. Wishing for what you have. Life.
Life is your opportunity to show them how it should be done. Show them.
I want you to remember to value life above all things. There is not much worth dying for. I have only found one so far. I hope that someday you will find that reason too. You will know it when you see it, and there won't be any doubt of what it is.