How can giving be selfish? Giving will provide you great joy. It is an expression of your love. The most generous gifts you can give are your time, attention and understanding. These are the gifts that will be remembered.
I remember when you got your puppies. I didn't expect you to burst into tears like you did. It was the first time I witnessed your tears of joy. It was a moment of truth I'll never forget. I didn't realize it at the time, but your tears were not motivated by the love you had just received. Rather they were motivated by the love you could now give. I had given you something to love.
Prior to that moment, my focus was on more practical things. Who would walk the dogs? Who would care for them when we went on vacation? Never did I stop to think that this was a need, and not a want. They are now a part of our family in every respect.
I want you to remember to be mindful about what you are giving. It may not always be what you expect. A gift might give a lot more than expected or, if unreciprocated, turn into a gift of guilt. If you want to give a gift, be discrete. Your love will always be the greatest gift of all.